About Me

Clive Durdle MSc BA (Econ) Hons FCIH Dip Soc. Studies  4 Toronto Road   Ilford Essex    IG14RB             0794 198 8846      0208 554 5889 clivedurdle@mac.com  X @Clivedurdle  https://social.coop/@clivedurdle https://clivedurdle.wordpress.com/ Sunday, 17 December 2023  Dear Reader I am attempting in the following to communicate briefly my thoughts, my philosophy and my experience. I am structuring this as a letter … Continue reading About Me


I wish to develop the Renaissance concept of Opera, where people work together closely to resolve the issues they face, from a participatory, equal, just, cooperative, sustainable, mutual and whole system perspective. This requires making the commons and way commons core to our ways of being. As with an opera, there will be many parties … Continue reading Opera


Build solar thermal troughs, similar to those built in Egypt in 1910, in the Sahara and other deserts next to the sea. Heat the salt water to steam to power turbines. Two products, electricity and fresh water. Use the fresh water in permaculture in the deserts, plant trees, create microclimates that enable transpiration from the … Continue reading Geoengineering

Make it so

There is an extremely hoary and ancient joke that someone asked how to get somewhere. Ah I would not start from here. The Triptych Transport systems are part of processes that enable people to live well together – civilisation.1 Three core domains are needed to create civilised ways of being: BuildingsLife between buildings, andTransport networks But … Continue reading Make it so

Dotty Think. Timetables, trains per hour and beg buttons

Are not timetables and trains per hour completely different ways of imagining rail systems? Timetables are dotty, trains per hour are about flows. Is not this widely unrecognised distinction leading to all sorts of problems and messes? Not only in rail, on roads as well. Traffic lights and beg buttons for pedestrian crossings are also … Continue reading Dotty Think. Timetables, trains per hour and beg buttons

TFL Step free access

Please formally study this and implement it. The key problem is of siloiing subjects and not understanding that sustainability, inclusion and logistics are nearly completely overlapping sets. https://clivedurdle.wordpress.com/2021/05/07/space-flight-and-the-way-of-the-rail/ Rail is also not understood as the key utilities network provider and probably the future largest energy producer in the UK. TfL could easily be heating London … Continue reading TFL Step free access

How to decarbonise. It is not difficult and it will make you wealthy

Decarbonising is another word for rethinking how we use energy, but it is incomplete because it is only looking at one set of issues around the use of carbon. So as Lenin said, what is to be done? The monks said begin at the beginning! We use energy to keep warm, to move, to live. … Continue reading How to decarbonise. It is not difficult and it will make you wealthy

Ecosystems Shelters and Societies March 1983

Clive Durdle CONTENTS Preface Part A  ECOSYSTEMS APROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY, ENERGY AND RESOURCES  technological change, energy and resource availability, effects of practices – political, chemical, pollution, resource depletion, ecological. ECOLOGY – RELATIONSHIPS AND RESOURCES relationships, environment, ecology as a science and a social science, human activity is ecological, population and exponential growth, ecological approaches – resources – … Continue reading Ecosystems Shelters and Societies March 1983